All functions |
Extract the posterior sample |
Small benvo for use in rsstap examples and vignettes. |
Complex longitudinal benvo for use in rsstap examples and vignettes |
Example model |
Retrieve STAP model specification from STAP model formula |
Network Built Environment Feature Effects dataset |
Plot Spline Spatial Temporal Aggregated Predictors |
3D plots for rsstap models |
Small benvo for use in rsstap examples and vignettes. |
Posterior uncertainty intervals |
Print method for sstapreg objects |
Priors for `rsstap` models |
The 'rsstap' package. |
Spline Spatial Temporal Aggregated Predictor General Linear Model |
Spline Spatial Temporal Aggregated Regression Generalized Linear Model Fit |
Spline Spatial Temporal Aggregated Generalized Mixed Effects Regression Model |
Spline Spatial Temporal Aggregated Regression Linear Model |
Spline Spatial Temporal Aggregated Mixed Effects Regression Model |
Methods for sstapreg objects |
Create a sstapreg object |
Create STAP data structure |
Summary method for sstapreg objects |
Calculate WAIC |